Monday, September 28, 2020

Blog #4: Antiwar Media

    America's presence can be felt all over Earth. Our social and entertainment culture is the envy of most of the world and our technology is everywhere. What is just as widespread is our military. America has served as the world's largely unwanted police force for over two decades, but our military escapades have been around a lot longer than that, they've just been rebranded as antiterrorist. During the Cold War, America involved itself in conflicts in many different places, saying the reason behind their wars operations and wars to be to stop the spread of communism. Fear tactics kept most citizens from thinking anything bad of it. In this century, stopping communism has become stopping terrorism. 

    We have been involved in the Middle East for decades and with no signs of pulling our troops out anytime soon. Each election it seems that a candidate will run on the promise of bringing our boys home, just to do exactly what their predecessor did. Yet the topic is not as talked about as many other issues. This could be because what the US is doing in many scenarios is illegal and they are trying to hide it from the public eye. Currently, American forces are stationed in Syria without the permission of the Syrian government and without a declaration of war. Even though many media sources will point out many illegal things the government does, America's military actions are in another ballpark. Whistleblowers are still sought out by the US government today for simply doing their civic duty. 

    I believe that mainstream media is worried that the Federal government could enact the same kind of aggression on them if they were to expose the problems with our nations apparent need to conduct our armed forces however we see fit, legal or not. 

No 'End Date' for U.S. Troops in Syria, Top U.S. General in Middle East Says

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